Committees / Projects

Special Committees may be short or long term projects and can be created or dissolved by the Board.

Standing Committees are listed in the Bylaws and require an amendment to be created or dissolved. 

All committees have been created to work on the many projects that the BVGC accomplishes each year.  So...our committees are our projects and visa versa.

For a list of Committee Chairs on the Members Only Website, click here

Special Committees


This committee helps with landscaping projects at several Bella Vista public sites and/or landmarks. Over the years, they have planted thousands of Bella Vista daffodils at City Hall, fire and police stations, golf courses, and other locations. 

Bella Vitst Memorial Cemetery

Many Club members help with planting and maintaining flower beds in the BV Memorial Garden Cemetery at regularly scheduled work sessions.

The Garden Show on BVCTV       

These NGC award winning monthly programs cover a variety of topics featuring expert guests. Covers what to do in your garden each month. information on garden-related events and publicizes the Club.

Benefit Card and Games Party

This is an annual fundraising event.  Many Club members work to provide food and decorations for the event.  All profits support scholarships and community projects. Many area businesses and individuals donate items or services to be used for door prizes or drawings.

Plant Sales

These are our major fund raisers. Many Club members dig and pot bulbs and plants from their gardens to sell.  Increases awareness of the Club and all profits support scholarships and community projects.

Veterans Wall of Honor                                                 

Club members plant and maintain flower beds at the Veterans Wall of Honor. They also contribute their time and labor as needed in other areas.                                

Yard of the Month

The Club promotes and rewards exemplary yard care in Bella Vista. This contributes to the overall appearance of the community. A sign is placed in the yard and it is featured on the website, Facebook and in newspapers.

Standing Committees

Arbor Day

Trees are planted in public spaces or tree seedlings are donated to school children for planting at their homes or books about trees are donated to the BV Public Library. 


The Club joins with the AFGC by encouraging area children in schools or the Boys & Girls Clubs to be aware of nature and their environment by enabling them to enter the AFGC's poster contest. Because of the Club’s efforts, many are award winners.  They are honored at a Club meeting, or a gallery show.


The Awards Committee submits the applications for State, Regional and National awards.  Fortunately, the Club has received many awards.


Garden Therapy    

Gardening or garden related craft projects are planned for the residents of two care centers, assisted living or independent living apartments three times each year. 


The committee provides food and beverages for each 

meeting.  They also make arrangements for special 



The Publicity Committee is responsible for publicizing all Club activities and events through the newspaper, TV, radio and other media.


Club members work very hard through fundraising activities for at least two BVGC Dorothy Wallace Scholarships each year. The committee interviews and selects the recipients and awards the scholarships at a Club Meeting. 

Social Media

Ways and Means

The Committee has garden related items for sale at Club meetings or other functions to raise funds for the Club. They also provide items for drawings.


The Committee welcomes and signs in Club members and guests at Club meetings. They prepare name tags, welcome packets and assign mentors to new Club members.


The Committee works with the President and Treasurer to obtain the most current information to design and produce the final version of the yearbook.  The Committee oversees the printing of the yearbooks for distribution at the first Club meeting of the year.

How many committee members does it take to change a light bulb? "This topic was resumed from last week's discussion, but is incomplete pending resolution of some action items. It will be continued next week. Meanwhile ..." 
