"The Garden Show", is produced at the Bella Vista Community Television Station.   It is available to view on the links of this page, on the BVCTV YouTube Channel or you can stream it on your Roku device.

      The Bella Vista Garden Club and the Benton County Master Gardeners sponsor the program as Director's Circle Members of Bella Vista Community Television.

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All programs are hosted by Geri Hoerner, other members of the Bella Vista Garden Club or the Benton County Master Gardeners and include a specific topic along with upcoming gardening events and what to do in your garden for the month. 

A guest appears each month to talk about different gardening subjects.  Each month a "Things To Do List" for the garden is also discussed.  The program is a great way to let the public know of our upcoming events and other gardening events in the area.  

In January 2011 the Bella Vista Community Television station began digital broadcasting on Cox Cable Channel 222.  The station reached all of NW Arkansas down to Fayetteville in addition to Bella Vista.  In 2023 the station switch all programs to Hi Definition.  

The station has now swithced to the Roku platform. 

The programs are also available online on YouTube.   Click here for access to all the Club's Videos on YouTube or links to individual videos can be found in the monthly program descriptions which are available on the yearly page links in the right hand column of this page.  The YouTube video collection can also be accessed directly from the horizontal navigation bar under "BVGC on TV."

Plants want to grow; they are on your side as long as you are reasonably sensible.

Anne Warenam