Social Media
Social Media Committee creates and maintains the Bella Vista Garden Club's online presence and keeps members informed of current club activities. Any and all members will be welcomed as a part of this committee.
The Social Media Committee actively maintains the club's website so that it is current and useful.
The purpose of the Club website is to give gardening information to Club members and to the community. Club activities, photos, upcoming events and gardening information, including links, are posted by the Social Media Committee on an ongoing basis.
A "Members Only" portion of the website is also maintained for sharing information about the inner workings of the Club and TLC Committee information. Members must use the User Name and Password to enter this area.
If you can type an email, you can help - volunteers are welcome!
The Social Media Committee also administers the Facebook Group. The purpose of the Club Facebook Group is for Club members to share, collaborate, and discuss gardening related topics. This may include sharing information and tips, asking or answering questions, and sharing photos of their gardens/plants. The Facebook Group is not intended to advertise or sell products or services. The Social Media Committee will include one or more Facebook Group Administrator(s) to ensure that the purpose of the group is enforced. This includes maintaining the group member list, deleting “spam” or inappropriate content, and when required, removing members who do not use the forum for it’s intended purpose.
The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.
Bill Gates