2013 BVGC TV Programs

All programs are hosted by Geri Hoerner unless otherwise stated and include a specific topic along with upcoming gardening events and what to do in your garden for the month.

The January 2013 Program guest is Fran Zimmermann, fellow member of the Bella Vista Garden Club.  Organizing Your Garden Information is the subject  discussed and suggestions are made to keep track of plants and their care needs, organize articles on various garden topics by making files or creating a 3 ring reference book, or use a calendar to record when plants are fertilized or sprayed.  A"Meet the Masters" segment is shown featuring Benton County Master Gardener, Nancy Hutchison, and her garden.  


The February 2013 Program guest is Char Brunje, fellow member of the Bella Vista Garden Club.  Ornamental Grasses used in the garden landscape for year round interest is discussed and a CD of photos are shown of various varieties of grasses at different times of the year.  Also discussed cutting back grasses and what to do in your garden in February. 


The March 2013 Program guests are Brian Grosnickle and Grant Cameron from Village Garden and Landscape Company and fellow members of the Bella Vista Garden Club.  Effect of Drought on Trees and Shrubs and Spring Pruning are the subjects discussed.  Demonstrations of how to do pruning are given and which plants to prune in the spring is discussed.   


The April 2013 Program guest is Garry Lee, Benton County Master Gardener and Trail Guide and Museum Guide at Crystal Bridges.  Vegetable Gardening is the topic of discussion and Garry shows seedling of tomatoes he starts in egg cartons and shares some of his secrets to growing great edibles.  The "Meet the Masters" segment featuring Benton County Master Gardener, Marlin Roedel and his vegetable garden is shown. 


The May 2013 Program is hosted by Char Brunje and her guest is Grant Cameron from Village Garden and Landscape Company and a fellow member of the Bella Vista Garden Club. Container Gardening is discussed and examples of various unusual containers that could be used for plants were shown.  The "Meet the Masters" segment featuring Benton County Master Gardener, Judy Geigle and her garden featuring containers is shown.


The June 2013 Program guest is Fran Zimmermann, fellow member of the Bella Vista Garden Club.  Vines and Climbers that can add vertical interest to the garden are the topic of discussion.  A number of native vines are described as well as other vines that are available including those that can tolerate some shade.  Aggressive vines that should be avoided are mentioned.  Various ways to support the vines and climbers are also discussed.


The July 2013 Program is hosted by Fran Zimmermann.  Her guest is Cathy Wayson, a fellow member of the Bella Vista Garden Club.  Drought Tolerant Plants that can thrive in hot dry conditions are the topic of discussion.  Photos are displayed of many personal favorites that have done well in the hot Arkansas summers for the past few years. 


The August 2013 Program is hosted by Fran Zimmermann.  Her guest is Lou Jasper, a Master Gardener and fellow member of the Bella Vista Garden Club.  Bringing Butterflies to Your Garden is the topic of discussion and pictures of butterflies at various stages of their life are shown.  Host plants and nectar plants are discussed along with major enemies of butterflies and caterpillars.  Also fun facts about butterflies you may not know are discussed.


The September 2013 Program guest is Lynn Rogers, Washington County Master Gardener and member of the Flower, Garden and Nature Society of Northwest Arkansas.  Irises:  Rainbows in the Garden  is the topic discussed and Lynn provides a power point showing a variety of irises and discusses the various types of iris, namely: Bulbous, Species, Louisiana, Japanese, Japanese Roof, Siberian and Bearded or German that include Dwarf, Intermediate, Tall, Space Age and Reblooming.  Early to late blooming iris can fill your garden with color from early spring to fall.


The October 2013 Program guest is Neal Mays, the new Benton County Extension Agent - Agriculture.  Rose Rosette Disease is discussed and pictures of infected plants are shown.  The "witches broom" foliage has been around for many years but the microscopic mite that causes the rose rosette disease has been very active in the past few years and many roses over most of the eastern USA have been destroyed by this mite born disease.  Precautions and the latest recommendations to control this disease are discussed.


The November 2013 Program guest is Brian Grosnickle, fellow member of the Bella Vista Garden Club and owner of Village Garden and Landscape Company.  Putting Your Garden to Bed for the Winter is the topic discussed from taking in tender and tropical plants, options for leaf disposal, winterizing tools and water features. The world will not come to an end if you choose to ignore winter preparations, but it will mean a little more work in the spring.

The December 2013 Program guests are Char Brunje and Deloris Jennings, fellow members of the Bella Vista Garden Club and also fellow members of the Floralia Arranger's Guild Garden Club.  Holiday Decorating and Gardening Gifts are the topics discussed.  Char and Deloris demonstrate how to make a variety of holiday decorations using what you have in your home and in your garden.  Various gift suggestions for gardeners are made showing items available at Village Garden and Landscape Company in Bella Vista.