National Garden Clubs, Inc. and the USDA Forest Service are proud to have formed a partnership sustaining our national and urban forests through this reforestation/forest education program.
The Bella Vista Garden Club participates in this meaningful and practical conservation project by contributing to Plant a Tree in Arkansas by collecting change (or dollars) in a blue jar at our BVGC meetings. Prior to 2024, this program was called Penny Pines.
When $50.00 is collected we honor a special member with the donation and a certificate is issued to that member by club. The collections pay part of the costs of replanting or replacement trees indigenous to a particular damaged area (not just Pine Trees). Whether trees are destroyed by fire or by other natural catastrophes, pine trees and other trees are replaced.
Also the Club sends a Plant A Tree contribution when a member or a member’s immediate family dies.
Under a conservation agreement, the Forest Service will do the planting, using your donation together with federal funds, and will provide to the plantation the same protection from fires, insects, and disease given other forested areas. The plantations are a part of the regular National Forest Reforestation Program planted on burned-over and brush-covered areas which are potentially productive timberlands. Planting sites are selected by the supervisor of each National Forest. These plantations provide soil protection, watershed protection, soil stabilization, future harvestable timber, as well as beauty and shade for recreation. Contributions of $50.00 are made payable to "NGC- Plant A Tree" and mailed with the required form to: National Garden Clubs, Inc. National Headquarters, 4401 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110-3492
The pine stays green in winter… wisdom in hardship.
Norman Douglas