Recycling can benefit your community and the environment.
Printer Cartridges
If you would like to recycle your empty printer cartridges with the club, we can get a $2 credit for each cartridge toward needed office supplies like paper and ink cartridges. Just bring your empty cartridges (either black or color) to a BVGC club meeting. This is an easy and simple way to help offset club expenses! Since we started this Worklife Rewards Program at Office Depot we have recycled 1,520 cartridges and received $3,240.88 in credits as of June 2024!
Worklife Rewards
Shop at Office Depot or Office Max in store and give them the rewards phone number of 479-855-0169, printed on your membership card, for the Worklife Rewards. You can take a picture of your membership card with your phone so you will have it with you. Request the receipt be printed for you and emailed so that it will be sent to the club's email for reference. The Club will get 5% back on paper, ink and copy services, 2% on everything else and $2 for each recycled cartridge (up to 10 per month) that can be used for our office supplies!!! We must make a purchase of at least $10 each month to receive our credits for the recycled cartridges. If you made a purchase and forget to give them the phone number, or if you ordered on line, please call Geri Hoerner 855-0203 with your receipt information and she can get credit for your purchase that month.
If you are a Board Member or Committee Chair and you are in need of office supplies or other items needed for BVGC that can be purchased at Office Depot, please check with the BVGC President to see if there are Rewards available for you to use.
Aluminum Pull Tabs
We collect the aluminum pull tabs from cans (not colored ones) at our meetings and turn them in with the Garden Club of Rogers collection to help support the local Ronald McDonald House program. The number of pounds that are recycled is reported to the Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. that supports this project.
1 Gallon Plastic Pots
Take 1 gallon (only) to the Village Waste Water at 380 Bella Vista Way, Bella Vista, AR. Leave pots outside the greenhouse to the left after you pass through the gate.
We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.
Native American Proverb