Links of Interest

Clicking these links may take you away from this website.  Remember to add the Garden Club's website address to your Favorites and/or Bookmarks before leaving and hurry back!

Garden Club Information

 National Garden Clubs, Inc. -  As a Federated Garden Club the Bella Vista Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

South Central Region of National Garden Clubs, Inc. - As a Federated Garden Club the Bella Vista Garden Club is a member of the South Central Region of the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.  -  As a Federated Garden Club the Bella Vista Garden Club is a member of the Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. 

Northwest District of Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.  -  The Bella Vista Garden Club is in this District of the Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.  

Bella Vista Community Television - This site lists the programs and schedule and includes the history of the station.  Our "Bella Vista Gardening" program is produced at this studio.   (Their new website is under construction) 

Bella Vista Historical Museum -  The Museum housing the Bella Vista Historical Society is where the Bella Vista Garden Club maintains its historical information.  Meeting Minutes and Yearbooks from our beginnings in 1972 to the current time are available to review there along with some Press Books, History Books and Awards received over the years. 

Gardening Information

Arkansas Diamonds - Plants - Arkansas Diamonds are locally grown plants proven to be tough in Arkansas.  Plants are chosen by the Arkansas Green Industry Association, the U of A Cooperative Extension Service, local growers and local independent garden centers.  Each year more plants are added to the list.  

A Way to Garden -  A source of organic gardening inspiration by Margaret Roach, head gardener, with charts, how tos and chores by month.

Better Homes and Gardens: Gardening -  This site is chock full of ideas including garden plans.

Botanical Garden of the Ozarks - Our local botanical garden in Fayetteville, AR,  provides a number of activities at their garden.

Butterflies and Moths - This site is a database/website that coordinates input on butterflies and moths from professional lepidopterists, published literature, museums and scientists.  Photos and observations from the field are collected and available via checklists, species profiles, maps displaying point data and other tools.  

Consumers Base - This site has A Comprehensive Guide to Container Gardening that is very informative along with other gardening information.  NEW

Cornell University - Vegetable MD Online -  This site gives information and fact sheets for each vegetable.  This is a great tool for vegetable growers.  

Creative Critter Control - This site has suggestions to control those unwanted critters in a humane way. 

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art - You will find the latest information on Crystal Bridges and events. 

Dave's Garden - Contains all the information you need to know on any plant you enter in their search box. 

Forestry and Wildlife -  A gathering researched by Amy Eckhart the best 100 forestry sites on the web today covering conservation, wildlife, environment and overall forestry sites that promote the health of Mother Nature and our society. 

Gardener's Local Forecast - From - This link takes you to the Garden Smart TV shows produced for Public Television.  Many years of shows are available with a large variety of gardening subjects. 

Growing - Advice, inspiration, information for gardeners with videos. 

Helpful Gardener - Provides a variety of information for gardeners. Also contains a discussion forum for the home gardener. Members provide helpful answers for gardening questions in a number of topics.

Home Advisor - Gardening at Home with Kids - A great site for information on basic gardening, vegetable gardening and much more with kids.  Discovered by Kendal and she wanted to share it with us.  Thank you Kendal for sharing.  

Horticulture Magazine  - This is a great source of information for gardeners and now they are sharing some of those resources on their website.

Houseplants - ASPCA - This site lists Toxic and Non-Toxic plants that can affect your dogs, cats or horses.  

How to Grow your own Butterfly GardenThis page has a step by step guide to build a butterfly garden.  The site was suggested by a student in an alternative learning program. 

International Society of Arboriculture - This is a great site for information on tree care and Arborists and links to the Trees are Good site with more information. 

Kids Guide to Insects - A great site for kids and adults that contains loads of information on Earthworms and composting, Butterflies, Bees, Spiders and Grasshoppers.  

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The mission of the Center is to increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants and landscapes.  Although the center is located in Texas, it has a wealth of information on wildflowers.

Missouri Botanical Garden - A wealth of information available on gardening from this St. Louis, Missouri, botanical garden.

Missouri Botanical Garden - Plant Finder - Look up, view a photo and read about the over 6,400 plants in their library.

Mother Earth News - Information on organic gardening and a table to show you What to Plant Now by zip code. 

National Garden Bureau - This site has a multitude of gardening information and you can sign up for their Newsletter.

National Wildlife Federation - Home Page.  National Wildlife Federation is a voice for wildlife, dedicated to protecting wildlife and habitat and inspiring the future generation of conservationists. This site contains information on attracting wildlife to your garden, Six Ways to Save Monarchs, and information to register your garden as a Certified Wildlife Habitat

P. Allen Smith Website - Information on every topic of gardening you can imagine from an Arkansas gardener located in Little Rock.

Peel Compton Foundation - Compton Gardens in Bentonville on the late Dr. Compton's property features a multitude of native plants with a walkway to the Crystal Bridges.  The Peel Mansion in Bentonville features an old fashioned garden.

Plant Care Today - This page of the site covers companion planting with tomatoes.  Other pages on the site have info on other subjects including Lawn Care, Landscaping, Patio, Lighting and Garden.  There may be some ads shown depending on your browser.  NEW

The Humane Gardener - Cultivating compassion for all creatures great and small and has an article on How to Really Save the Bees along with other information.  

The National Wildlife Federation -  Information to register your garden as a Certified Wildlife Habitat is available and Garden for Wildlife information is located here.

The Natural Way to Gardening & Health - This is the site for Dr. Howard Garrett known as The Dirt Doctor, an expert on organic gardening.

Toxic Pesticides - This page on the site has a lot of information on toxic pesticides outlining the different types and how to protect yourself from their negative effects. 

University of Arkansas Yard and Garden Resources Website - This site is full of gardening information and Janet Carson's gardening information. 

University of Arkansas Yard and Garden - Pruning Crepe Myrtles - This page has information on pruning crepe myrtles and other links to more information on this plant.  NEW

Ultimate Guide to Gardening Resources - This site is full of links with information on general gardening, planning a garden, educating children, indoor gardening, blogs and podcasts.  

University of Arkansas Website Gardening Calendar - Month by month to do list for your garden from the U of A.

University of Arkansas Website Plant Health Clinic - A site that lists a number of plant diseases and contains an A to Z listing.

USDA Zone Map for Plants - This shows the US map of plant hardiness zones.  Bella Vista is in the 6A zone. You may have to enter some security codes to see the map clearly.

 Native Plants 

Arkansas Native Plant Society - The Society promotes the preservation, conservation, study, and enjoyment of the native plants of Arkansas, the education of the public regarding the value of native plants and their habitats, and the publication of related information.

Bear Creek Nursery - This nursery is located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and carries a multitude of unusual plants, bamboo, native plants and wildflower seeds.  Their newsletters are a fun read and they offer a 15% discount to garden club members in March.

Compton Gardens -  This garden holds a native plant sale propagated from their gardens near Crystal Bridges each spring.  

Easy Wildflowers - This nursery is located in Willow Springs just south east of Springfield, Missouri, and carries plants and seeds.

Grow Native! - This Missouri Prairie Foundation site has a wealth of information and lists of native plants that are applicable to NW Arkansas. 

Missouri Wildflowers - This nursery is located in Jefferson City, Missouri, and carries many wildflowers and native plants that do well in NW Arkansas.

National Garden Bureau - This site has a multitude of gardening information and you can sign up for their newsletter.

National Wildlife Federation Native Plants Finder - This link is a Native Plants Finder for your specific area and it lists the multitude of caterpillars that use these plants as host plants based on the research of Dr. Doug Tallamy.  

Native Plants & Wildlife Gardens - Has many articles on native plants and wildlife and you can sign up for a newsletter.  

Pine Ridge Gardens - Has a large variety of native plants and is located near London, Arkansas.

Plant Native -  Gives you native plant information by state or region that you select.

White River Nursery - This nursery is located in Fayetteville and has a large selection of native plants.

 Online Nurseries 

Breck's - Bulbs, perennials, roses, and more.

Brent & Becky's Bulbs - Many varieties of bulbs and perennials available.  Order from Brent & Becky's with Bloomin' Bucks and the Bella Vista Garden Club receives a portion of your purchase.  Beautify your garden and support the Bella Vista Garden Club at the same time. 

Gilbert H Wild and Sons LLC  - Located in southwestern Missouri, "America's largest grower of Daylilies, Iris and Peonies" ... amongst other perennials. 

High Country Gardens - "Plants for the Waterwise Garden" 

Plant Delights  - "A Passion for Perennial Plants and the Gardeners Who Love Them!" This is a very entertaining North Carolina nursery site with hard to find plants. 

Spring Hill Nursery - In addition to a great nursery their site contains gardening how-to videos.  


Johnnny's Seeds - Offers seeds for vegetables, perennials, flowers, herbs and garden tools. 

Seeds of Change - Preserving biodiversity and supporting sustainable organic agriculture since 1989. 

Seed Savers Exchange - Since 1975 Seed Savers Exchange members have passed on approximately one million samples of rare garden seeds to other gardeners.  

Wildflower Sources  

Easy Wildflowers - Located in Willow Springs, Missouri.  Sells seeds and potted wildflower plants. 

Hocott's Garden Center - Located in Little Rock, Arkansas (501) 663-8376 

Holland Wildflower Farm - This nursery is in Elkins, Arkansas.

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The mission of the Center is to increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants and landscapes.  Although the center is located in Texas, it has a wealth of information on wildflowers and suppliers of seeds across the country. 

Missouri Wildflower Nursery - This nursery is located in Jefferson City, Missouri and carries many wildflowers that do well in NW Arkansas. 

Pine Ridge Gardens - Has a large variety of wildflowers and is located near London, Arkansas.  

Wildflower Information - This website lists wildflowers in every way you can imagine; by common name, botanical name, color, zone, height, sun, shade, etc.

Wildseed Farms - This family owned wildflower farm since 1983 is located in Fredricksburg, Texas.  

Do you have other favorite online sites or sites from which you purchase your plants?  If so, would you like to share them with club members?  Let us know at and we will post the links here.